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Isal R.Yugo Kartono, Moffat Alistair, Ngai Alwin C.H. Enhanced Word-based Block-sorting ... "Faster Suffix Sorting" by N. Jesper Larsson ([email protected]) and Kunihiko ...
grog has set the subject to: *Talkonaut - мобильный Jabber IM клиент с возможностью VoIP звонков!* www.talkonaut.com || This is ...
Russian: Farlingo: English: Russian: Farlingo: English: а (a) i: а то (a to) otren: otherwise: абонент (aba`n'ent) abonanto: аборт: aborto: abortion: абрикос (abrikos)
Isal R.Yugo Kartono, Moffat Alistair, Ngai Alwin C.H. Enhanced Word-based Block-sorting ... "Faster Suffix Sorting" by N. Jesper Larsson ([email protected].se) and Kunihiko ...
grog has set the subject to: *Talkonaut - мобильный Jabber IM клиент с возможностью VoIP звонков!* www.talkonaut.com || This is ...
Russian: Farlingo: English: Russian: Farlingo: English: а (a) i: а то (a to) otren: otherwise: абонент (aba`n'ent) abonanto: аборт: aborto: abortion: абрикос (abrikos)