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Павел Ляшков

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Социальные сети Павел Ляшков


Павел Ляшков
День рождения:
Павел Ляшков
Полит. взгляды:
Религ. взгляды:
высший разум
ОмГУ '10
Место работы:
DEPUSH company, Guangzhou, China, Омск, 2009-2009, teacher of English
Студент (специалист)
иностранных языков
Форма обучения:
Дневное отделение
№1 '05, Тюкалинск, 1995-2005 (а)
Павел Ляшков
Информация скрыта
День рождения:
Павел Ляшков
Братья, сестры:
Лидия Ляшкова, Егор Новиков, Макс Козырев, Соня Григорьева, Андрей Рева, Рая Азизова, Софья Ляшкова
Войсковая часть:
Shukino, Россия
I help those who have nothing to do)))
Дом. телефон:
Информация скрыта
First Day .. ... Came to the swamp, they say there could be a skilled fighter and Very fast ... Second day .. .. Think I'm starting to go crazy ... Day three .. ... Who am I? Where am I? Why me? .. Today the main trunk, ordered long to live .... the devil was only a reserve .... Day four ... ... Lyuyuyuyudiiiiii ... silence ... buggy ... Shoot do not forget, when I come to town, turn off the combat mode ... and then the conversation from the auction will not work .. Fifth day .. ... today explained the lizard that I love him, but came kleshen and loved both ((nesraslos .... ... .. ... sixth day today found ukazatel.na right-loot, right-bandits, on the left taverns and Baba .....?? I come to town do not forget to ask, ''Who are the taverns and women''... Seventh Day .. ... Today asked Vano who are taverns and the women got a frying pan on the head .. doctor says it is very serezdno .. Eighth Day ... .... Oylyv - AWD " tkoo? chya about why? moii mumuk eat a plate! chelovaek-beetle iedt! Alawis! Day nine ... My .... your not understand
Любимая музыка:
Guf, SLIM, а, 1klas, Zari, Ak47, , Schokk
Любимые игры:
Metro 2033, Unity, Peace tanks, and many others
Любимые книги:
Marauder", "Platoon", "The Last Testament, " "Shooter, " "Ancient"
Любимые телешоу:
Comedy Club, our Russia, happy in the place, KVN, giving the young
Любимые фильмы:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Life is Beautiful, Donnie Darko, hatiko, deserted city, The Sixth Sense, The Shawshank Redemption, terminal, to reach heaven, mind games, seven lives, the green mile, deja vu, prestige, Butterfly Effect, Sleepy Hollow, raven, Dreamcatcher, Gladiator, American History X, big fish, The Notebook, in the wild, , Brother 1 2, Dark Knight, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Full Metal Jacket, Forrest Gump, The Last Samurai, an invisible ghost, road to nowhere, the other, a revolver, a city of sin, could not be better, man-eater, Route 60, American History X, Angel A, Easy Rider, Enemy at the Gates, Natural Born Killers, I - legend (both endings), "The Island of the Damned", Hatiko, Saving Private Ryan, EB (2010) Dark Territory
Любимые цитаты:
Experience has shown, has helped to understand, Who built the house, just to fuck with someone ...
Место работы:
White House, Питкяранта, 2010-2010, President
Моб. телефон:
Информация скрыта
О себе:
Blacklist am not, for the moral descended idiots any black list is not enough! From the wall all stirayu.Na private messages do not answer, if desired.
Полит. взгляды:
Религ. взгляды:
Всё в этой жизни фигня.., кроме пчёл..,хотя если подумать,то и пчёлы фигня
Родной город:
Рождённый в ПТК ©
Семейное положение:
в активном поиске
A. Fantis Parochial School '14, New York City, 2005-2014, Tables will Clear))
Павел Ляшков
Павел Ляшков