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John Harvey

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Социальные сети John Harvey


John Harvey
День рождения:
West Valley City
John Harvey
Религ. взгляды:
Mormon Forever
University of Utah '11
Athletic Trianing
Место работы:
Salt Lake County Recreation, Salt Lake City, с 2002 г., Zamboni Operator/Lifeguard,Park City Aquatics, Park City, с 2008 г., Assistant Coach/Swim Instructor/Supervisor/Lifeguard,Hale Centre Theater, West Valley City, с 2002 г., Lighting Crew
Студент (специалист)
Athletic Trianing
Форма обучения:
Дневное отделение
Hunter '05, Salt Lake City, 2002-2005 (5)
John Harvey
John Harvey
John Harvey
Ring Me
John Harvey
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http://In Tesco
Need to be careful here, not to bore you by saying too much, ha ha…. I like to look smart in a suit and a tie, for special occasions, but equally I am comfortable being casual in leather jacket and jeans. Working round the house of course means anything goes, jeans and a tee shirt is fine. I am not a sharp dressed man but like to keep up with modern fashion. For some reason I was always liked by the girls and I am equally at home with the ladies whether it is entertaining, dining out or going to the theatre. I may be a little over weight but that is down to the high life and good living. It could be rectified given the right incentive.
Дом. телефон:
Music, entertainment, and communication with friends around the world, is what interests me, particularly using computers and the Internet. I am not a lonely person, I grew up on my own and learn’t to make friends easily. I have many hobbies like photography, music and video work, which I transfer to DVD’s and CD’s. People sometimes call me a “Mr fix-it” as I know how to wire up an electrical three pin plug. Lol. I like to travel to places of interest, taking my camera, Italy is very popular with me at the moment, I will explain why later. Email Me: [email protected]
Любимая музыка:
Rock, Jazz, Classical
Любимые игры:
Rugby, Formula 1, Rally
Любимые книги:
History, Novels, Bible
Любимые телешоу:
Detective, Romantic Plays, Nature
Любимые фильмы:
Action, Romance, Mystery
Любимые цитаты:
"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."
Место работы:
Brown & Root / Halliburton Oil & Gas, London, 1969-1999, Design Supervisor Electrical
Моб. телефон:
О себе:
My preference is for someone who takes a pride in her home and her appearance and who is happy to meet and entertain people. Maybe a talented person, in whatever you like doing, whether professional or just for a hobby, someone who likes the arts or playing a musical My preference is for someone who takes a pride in her home and her appearance and who is happy to meet and entertain people. Maybe a talented person, in whatever you like doing, whether professional or just for a hobby, someone who likes the arts or playing a musical instrument, be it gardening or cooking, would be a bonus., If you like shopping and spending money, this could be good for you. I am considering buying a house in another country and looking for suggestions. I have no real personal desires for myself, except to meet the lady of my dreams.,
Религ. взгляды:
Jehovah's Witness
Родной город:
Семейное положение:
не женат
John Harvey
John Harvey
Информация отсутствует.
1151 '70, Москва, 1960-1969
John Harvey
John Harvey
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