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Irka Krutikova

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Социальные сети Irka Krutikova


Irka Krutikova
Irka Krutikova
Irka Krutikova
Irka Krutikova
Irka Krutikova
Информация скрыта
День рождения:
Irka Krutikova
Братья, сестры:
Даша Чехова, Ника Никифорова, Ilya Павлов, Ниджат Гусейнов, Аня Кононова, Геля Исакова, Юля Скибинская, Justin Bieber
Войсковая часть:
Я девушка :)), Россия, в 2010 г.
Los Angeles Music Academy
Los Angeles
я ученица школы №51 _##_______________________### _####___________________#### __#####________________##### __######______________###### ___#######____________###### _____#######_________####### ______#########_____####### ________########____####### __________########__###### _____________######_##### ______________######### __________############# ________################ _______###___############ ______#####_############# ______################## _______################# _________############## ___________########## __________###########
Дом. телефон:
All time it is occupied
The Dance, Music, Computer or noutbuk|? |? =? |? lyublyu to walk(hike) with(since) girlfriend, love(like) весилиться, bathe and draw ?journalism and photography, disperse(speed) гейпарады for(on;of;to;with) type(air;view;complexion), pretend кэшлс, eat the fork(plug) soup, dream of(on;to;for) mad(insane;crazy;extreme) sex, go(drive) in(to;at) 69 buses, ничегонеделать, take offence on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) казлов, OF, right on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) lion(leo), walk(miss) the english, divorce the conductor on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) mate, push one another in(to;at) metro, стисьняцца to get acquainted with(since) beautiful girl and пацанами, смареть multi-boards(desks), walk(hike) under rain, caught the good luck for(as;after;of;to;per;on;behind) tail, peep for(as;after;of;to;per;on;behind) grandmother, жданов сцуко lucky(successful) personality(individual), examinr closely the people in(to;at) metro, line(hyphen), рубицца in(to;at) аське with(since) booby(nitwit), look(watch) the HOUSE(HOME) 2 night and day(daylong), ипать Sobchag, щикатать Wave, sleep in(to;at) pajamas in(to;at) hutch барбс, суппорт, смареть ball, шиза, kiss in(to;at) cinema(movies), titses(boobses;hooterses)-письки, listen(hear) the canto about(of) Madonna, not to stay at night the building, holler on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) the whole courtyard, yell(scream) to filths, send(poste) on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) куй малолеток in(to;at) аське, champ(nibble;gnaw) the семки in(to;at) clownish hat in(to;at) make-up(grease paint) sitting? as well as: Books, cinema(movies), films, music, gay, geo, bi, бисексуалы, music, жданов photographer, theatre, internet, sex, history, religion, photography, photo, Moscow, Peter, Petersburg, sport, dance, dancing, dance, psychology, философия, business, chocolate, people, гейсекс, эмо, photography, жданов photographer personality(individual), photo, removal(shooting), studio, money, money, исскуство, english, english, friends, friends, love(fondness), love, мартини, martini, club, clubs, граффити, pizza, coffee, women(woman)
Истории журналистики
Любимая музыка:
Слушаю всё!!!!....Музыка по настроению....Особенно группа (Вирус и Skillet) Тиктоник, БиС, Tokio-Hotel╔═══╗♫ ♪♫ ║███║ ║ ( o )║ ╚═══╝ I LOVE MUSIC Ciara Linkin Park Kevin Rudolf Evanescence Kanye West Lady Gaga Avril Lavigne Enrique Iglesias fall out boy Within Temptation Akon Винтаж Бандерос Inna Quest Pistols 30 Seconds To Mars Paramore Fall Out Boy Linkin Park Silverstein Аврил Лавин Ashlee Simpson Alex Evans Gwen Stefani Limp Bizkit Kesha Lady Gaga Lafee Muse Lily Allen Короче МЕЛОМАНКА!Muse Слушаю по настроению....люблю что по громче Но не рок. RAMMSTEIN, SLIPKNOT, NIRVANA, TOKIO HOTEL, GREEN DAY, LINKIN PARK, LIMP BIZKIT, cinema bizarre, Jam, Story of the Year, Deathclock, Fort Minor, Egypt Central, Authority Zero, Girugamesh, Amatory, Metallica, Theatre of Tragedy, Mindless Self Indulgence, Lostprophets, Akado, Catamenia, Turbonegro, Король и Шут, Кино, Powerman 5000, Bloodhound Gang, Ber-Linn, Apocalyptika, Skatepark, Korea, Anberlin, Lumen, Элизиум, Chimaira, Endwell, Jane Air, Пилот, Basic Element, LAFEE, Nirvana, US5, Him, Bad Religion, 7 Seconds, Stardown, Disturbed, cinema Bizare, Оригами, АнЖ, Анимия, Психоделика, 30_seconds_to_mars, Агата Кристи, Би - 2, lady gaga, Otto dix, Skillet, Tom_Kaulitz, До завтра, Adam Lambert...)
Любимые игры:
Need for Speed, Saints Row, Sims, всякие гонки!!!!!!!!!!
Любимые книги:
╔══════════════════════╗ ║██████████████████████║ ║█─██─█────█─────█─██─█║ ║█─██─█─██████─███─██─█║ ║█────█───████─███────█║ ║█─██─█─██████─██████─█║ ║█─██─█────███─███────█║ ║██████████████████████║ ╚══════════════════════╝
Любимые телешоу:
kings танцпола, crocodile, laughter in(to;at) большом city(town), 6 personnel(frames), one for(as;after;of;to;per;on;behind) all, camedy women, our Russia
Любимые фильмы:
папины дочки, маргоша, toys, step in(to;at) peryod1-2 lands(grounds) dead, mist, воронины, универ, interns, Alexander, nightmare on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) street elm, Robin Gud fantasy(Avatar, back(backwards) in(to;at) future, Percy Dzhekson and stealer(hijacker) моний.) The Twilight..The Litter me....Звонок....Последний house(home) on the left....Другой world(universe;peace) Devil carries(bears;wears) прадо, Cats(Grappling irons) against Dogs, Odnaklassniki, 90210 Anime: "Vasilisk", "Elifiyskaya canto", "Nuar", "Angels to deaths", "Copy-book to deaths", "Crusader Hrono", "Bratsvo Black shelters", "Evangelion", "Alliance серокрылых", "Phantom", "Samurai H", "Blood Triedinstva", "Steel alchemist", "Spectre in(to;at) доспехах", "Dzyubey-Vat - a girl-ниндзя", "DNK2", "First troop(detachment)", "Romeo and Dzhulietta", "Afrosamuray", "For(As;After;Of;To;Per;On;Behind) cloud", "Tokiyskaya school of the fighters нечести", "Akira", "Di huntsman on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) vampire(vampire bat)", "Fish Ponio on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) Bluff", "Little one CHie", "Highlander - in quest of revenge", "Gisaku", "Here heard ocean", "Feline soup", "Prince of the North", xxxHOLiC Movie", "Our neighbour Totoro", "Walking(Copy-book) lock(castle) Houla", "Vedimina service of delivery", "Whisper heart", "Koshachiya thanks(grattitude)", "Barefoot Gen", "Mech Kamui", "Cellist Guest", "Legend about(of;on;to;for) Kristanii", "Cat in(to;at) boot on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) dick west", "Border(Abutment) of the emptiness(vacuity): garden sinner", "Manuskript Ninzya", "Devochka conquered time(tense;period)", "Inuyasha", "Trigan", "Navsekaya from(of;out of) valley winds", "Blue drop(raindrop): мистерия angel", "in(to;at) Tokyo" Once upon a time, "Mononoke", "Stimboy", "Sakura: War World(Universe;Peace)", "Seed YAbloka", "Fantastic days", "Patlabor: Mobile Police body", "Specklass But", "Hakkenden: Legend about(of;on;to;for) псах-war", "Temnee black", "Avatar: Legend about(of;on;to;for) Aange", "Princess Mononoke", "When плачут cicadas", "Celestial(Sky;Heavenly) lock(castle) Laputa", "Celestial(Sky;Heavenly) wanderer", "Boca", "Sin: creators crock", "Gallant heart", "Folk legends Zemnomoriya", "Tale about(of;on;to;for) Gendzi", "Mech stranger(newcomer)", "Pozhirateli Shower", "GTO" person(man;people)-spider, хитман, брек данс, bernard, вуди вудпекер, fairy tales on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) night, madagascar 2, форсаж 4, HARUTO, 50 cents, kill beat, kill bila2, that and jerry, galaxies football(socker), wheelbarrow on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) прокачку, бивис and бадхед, crocks againstпришельцев, хэнкок, ван хельсинг, potentate колец, potentate kolec2, potentate kolec3, timber братва, madagascar, madagaskar2, , , , CHerepashki ниндзя, Pirates caribbean epidemic deathes(moore), , yamakasi1 2, maska1 2, upwards, драконий pearl evolution, асасин, 13 are reeked, mission дарвена, громобой, облочно possible(perhaps) precipitation(draft) in the manner of фрикоделек, астробой, super геройское cinema(movies), children spy, robots, adventures jack vat, destructive football(socker), new робинзоны, ниндзя, 51 planets, элвин and chipmunks, элвин and burunduki2, blackenning lightning(zipper), аватар, my home dinosaur, new adventures алQнушки and ерQмы, cinders loss and
Любимые цитаты:
live Present-day daytime!!!!!!!Rejoice the triviality(small change)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, :))))))))))))"Fight and search(look for;hunt) for,find and not to surrender(yield)!, -Always remain(stay) such, what you there is!, -If much(highly;very much) want, possible in(to;at) cosmos poleteti!?-As you think if love(fondness)-present(real),she return?, -If love(fondness) present(real),she not uydet. , О себе: __#, ___##, ___###, ____####, _____#####, _____#######, ______#######, ______########, ______########, ______#########, ______##########, _____############, ___##############, __################, ___################­, _____##############­, ______##############______________________________________________####, ______##############___________________________________________#####, _______##############______________________________________#######, _______##############_________________________________###########, _______###############______________________________#############, _______################___________________________##############, ______#################______#__________________################, ______##################_____##____#___________#################, _____####################___###___##__________#################, __________################__########__________#################, ___________################__#######_________###################, _____________#######################_______#####################, ______________#####################_______###################, ________________############################################, _________________###########################################, _________________##########################################­, __________________########################################, __________________########################################, ___________________######################################, ___________________######################################, ____________________##########################______#####, ____________________###__###################___________##, ____________________##____###############, ____________________#_____##__##########, ______________________________##____###­, ____________________________________###­, ____________________________________##, ____________________________________#
Место работы:
пока не работаю, Санкт-Петербург, 2010-2010, Журналист
Моб. телефон:
Информация скрыта
О себе:
I beautiful, умненькая, careful, attractive(appealing), good(kind), gentile, sweetie, charming, charming(enchanting), неповторимая, emotional, unforgettable, неотразимая, splendid, blinding(dazzling), fantastic, divine, завораживающая, angelic bright(vivid), supportive, обалденная, stunning, graceful, seductive, flirtatious, thinned, грациозная, merry(gay), eager(vigorous), , stylish(chic), communicating, miraculous, romantic, many-sided, fairy-tale, nice, невообразимая, single(unique;only), tender(gentle), сладенькая, stunning(fantastic), wanted, unpredictable, enigmatic, intriguing, perfect, harmonious, supportive, made(committed), best, modest, exquisite, angelic beautiful, natural, sincere(unaffected;hearty), friendly, understanding, mysterious, dreamy, tempting, искромQтная, волнительная, beckonning, inimitable, unselfish(disinterested), direct, одурманивающая, cheerful, charming, smiling, self-conscious(demure;coy;sheepish), incendiary, honored, open-hearted, skittish, [Byvayu wrong,foolish(silly),cruel(unkind;savage),offend and dialect to filths,отношусь wrongly,what-that can(may;be able) not understand,but prove its opinion, require too much attention,am capricious,shall not cry peccavi,yes and certainly(of course) not angel,but after all I love(like),madly(terrible) and faithfully love(like)....], Love(Like) all black....ночь...the darkness....страшные belongings... listen(hear) the fate. But so I do not know(know) that more(bigger) to say кароче themselves understand пообщавшись with(since) me. Play(Gamble;Toy) in(to;at) fate-group....закончила music school...10 years concern(go in for;engage in;study) with the music...the account german....Люблю all субкультуры,...go on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) meeting miscellaneous...in general live on(over;along;down;under) its rule....творю that hochu!menya do not worry(perturb) the opinions others,don't care I shall do(make) so,as I shall want and you about(of;on;to;for) this not спрошу!The Price of the opinion only my the most best friends...never shall be lucky...and else I not faith in(to;at) love(fondness)!..., Och often change colour hair...Their colour depends on my moods(tempers):D___ Who hates эмо-go(suit) on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for)..., Who hates ready-go(suit) on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for)..., Who does not respect субкультуры-go(suit) you all on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for)...., ``¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶```¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶, ```¶¶¶¶````¶¶¶¶````````¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶, ```¶¶¶¶````¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶, ```¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶````¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶, ```¶¶¶¶````¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶, ```¶¶¶¶````¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶, `¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶````¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶, `````````````````````````````````, `````¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶``````¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶```, ```¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶¶`, ``¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶, ``¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶, ``¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶, ```¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶``¶¶¶`, `````¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶```, ````````¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶`````````, ``````````¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶```````````, `````````````¶¶¶¶¶¶¶``````````````, ```````````````¶¶¶````````````````, ````````````````¶```````````` , ➍➑➌ TokioHotel ➍➑➌, Я весёлая,забавная,добрая,красавче*))), Хорошая подоругаXDDD)), Живу в Питере), Лю своих подруг!___*И друзей!, Лю*, █▒█▒ █████▒ >не ПЬЮ, █▒█▒ █▒ > не КУРЮ, ███▒ ████▒ > "не РУГАЮСЬ МАТОМ", █▒█▒ █▒ >не УПОТРЕБЛЯЮ, █▒█▒ █████▒ >не УМЕЮ ПИСАТЬ ПРАВД, █║▌│█│║▌║││
Полит. взгляды:
Религ. взгляды:
Родной город:
|City of the Lie, Fraud Pains and Not сбывшихся hopes |
Семейное положение:
не замужем
Студентка (специалист)
Форма обучения:
Дневное отделение
№ 50 '10, Санкт-Петербург, 2010-2016(а), Ученица