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Particles and fields. Relativistic quantum theory. Quantum field theory. Hyperbolic function method for solving nonlinear differential-different equations
Particles and fields. Electromagnetic interactions (theory). Resource letter QEDV-1: the QED vacuum Greiner Walter/Schramm Stefan Amer. J. Phys., Vol: 76, No: 6 , published: 29 ...
Particles and fields. Relativistic quantum theory. Quantum field theory. Hyperbolic function method for solving nonlinear differential-different equations
Particles and fields. Weak interactions (theory). Спектр масс псевдоскалярных мезонов и константы их лептонных ...
70 157 012 (Gorazd Andonov) · 70 157 013 (Андрей Пышненко) · 70 157 014 (Артем Иванов) · 70 157 015 (Ангел Без крыльев) · 70 157 016 (Asdfd Dwfw) ...