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Маша Маценко

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Социальные сети Маша Маценко


Маша Маценко
Маша Маценко
БГТУ Военмех>
Международного промышленного менеджмента (Р)
Маша Маценко
День рождения:
Маша Маценко
Братья, сестры:
Виталий Маценко, Костя Бондаренко, Ярослава Лёвушкина, Nastya Teplaya, Дима Стоян
Войсковая часть:
Я и так сильная зашибу и не замечу), Украина
I study at school
I play the guitar, chess, a skateboard, a gothic style, billiards.
Летний лагерь:
Ласпи, c 2008 г., Севастополь
Любимая музыка:
Rock, Metal (especially Gothic and foreign). But more often to the classic! Especially, new.Rasmys, Slipknot, Stream of Passion, Rummstain, Xandtria, I am ghost, Evanescence, Nightwish, Stigmata, Lacrimoza, Marilyn Manson, Stigmata, Lisa Gerard.
Любимые игры:
Любимые книги:
Fantasy, detectives, horror. Susan Hill "I am the King of the Castle, Shakespeare, Conan Doyle, Horper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird" Edgar Poe, Stocker "Dracula"
Любимые фильмы:
Horror films, comedies, dramas. (Flying by over a nest of a cuckoo, Resident Evil1 - 3, The Stranger, The Ship - A Phantom.) Scent of a Woman
Любимые цитаты:
"Any lived day in kind health - the great value given by the nature. For any money you will not buy such happiness. Also you understand on - to the present only when such days remains very little. Appreciate each instant of a life and do not hurry up never." That it is had we do not store, and having lost - we cry. The best the enemy to the good.
Дарина Воронько
О себе:
Every day I learn something new about myself. Well I am still little bit vainglorious egoist, stern and very malicious. But only on days off. So I am quiet intelligent girl... I have given the soul for eternity without having learned what is love, my heart is cold as shower stone, and black blood flows inside. Romantic and depressive person.
Новый Свет, c 2005 г.
Религ. взгляды:
The agnostic
Зори Украины, c 2010 г., Форос
№ 2, Знаменка, 2003-2012