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Sveta People

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Sveta People
Sveta People
Sveta People
День рождения:
Sveta People
http://Meanwhile is not present=((
Нижний Новгород
I am among many people which simply live! And so I go to school=)
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Нижний Новгород, Кораблестроителей пр., 1 137, Сормовский р-н, ст. м. Буревестник
Love communicate with friends. I love walk in the open air, to sit on the Internet, to mock at some people!=))))( Not so severely it is final) Sometimes I like to sit simply on a shop and to look at stars, drink coffee looking from a window at passers-by of people. And concrete interests at me almost does not remain=(((
Любимая музыка:
That I listen to that depends on mood=))) or =(((
Любимые игры:
Н . А . С . Т .О . Л . Ь . Н . Ы . Е
Любимые книги:
I hate to read!
Любимые телешоу:
I them do not look=))
Любимые фильмы:
<< Зеркала >>; << Три орешка для золушки>>; << На игре>>; << Я легенда >>; Иногда посмотреть люблю Титаник =(((
Любимые цитаты:
I IMPROVISE=))) Помер не найдя смысла в жизни, а тот помер найдя смысл в жизни, а тот помер не ища смысл в жизни, а этот вообще еще живет! Надо с ним побеседовать... Has died without having found sense in a life, and that has died having found sense in a life, and that has died without searching for sense in a life, and this in general still lives! It is necessary to have a talk with it...Человек закован в свое одиночество и приговорен к смерти , Толстой Л. Н., Process of the deepest research... Leads us to a recognition of that we are final, we should die, we are free also we cannot leave from the freedom. We learn also that the individual is inevitably lonely. В той мере, в какой человек отвечает за собственную жизнь, он одинок. Ответственность подразумевает авторство, сознавать свое авторство означает отказаться от веры, что есть другой, кто создает и охраняет тебя. So far as the child comes to this world, he understands that is lonely that represents the essence separate from all others. This from the world, strong and powerful and often menacing and dangerous in comparison with individual existence, gives rise to feeling of powerlessness and alarm., Бывает, человек глубоко одинок даже в гуще толпы. Воля к смыслу - наиболее человеческий феномен, так как только животное не бывает озабочен смыслом своего существования. The purpose which the person pursues – is always latent. The girl dreaming of a marriage, dreams about something to absolutely it unknown. The young man thirsting for glories, does not know that such glory. That gives sense to our acts always for us – something is total the unknown!
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О себе:
I the girl which live almost always in the dreams!! Sympathetic, friendly, I am able прщать!!! I love my darling Anton!!!All world was mean and ., All world has betrayed it today., It went on streets empty,, Where, what for - and itself did not know., , The old man-lantern over a roadway, Rhythmically hid behind a branch,, And a shaky cone light, Has been braided by a rain, as a grid., , It has sat down on a wet bench, And, at once all ,, Has already decided about the life:, In it all - continuous failure., , It crossed out all and burnt down,, It tortured itself(himself) as could,, Almost mischievously: you are insignificant,, About, you are not simply lonely,, You are derided and thrown by all!, , But for some reason, as through a smoke,, Through a pain and fiction , Has remembered suddenly that has been favourite, Love bitter and unnecessary., , He did not know, what was sense, In unintentional -, But it was as a drink, For inflamed ., , Its love (for what - God knows!),, Though anything also did not solve,, But itself to give up as a bad job, Somehow disturbed., , It has risen. As soul poison -, But its rage has almost died away., … She in vain waits for love,, But loves - nevertheless not in vain., , After all it is enough forces already, To break a despair a veil,, When you though to one soul, What for it is necessary badly., , And even if it is not lovely, The love which has not become , - , It storing covered, Has stretched silently over you … , , Love With
Полит. взгляды:
Религ. взгляды:
And I believe in God and I do not understand those who does not trust
Родной город:
ℋuжнuũ ℋoßropog
Семейное положение:
№ 84 '12, Нижний Новгород, 2001-2012(б)