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Robert Page

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Социальные сети Robert Page


Robert Page
Robert Page
Robert Page
Robert Page
Информация отсутствует.
Войсковая часть:
US. Govt., США
Adventures that take me all over the world. Art, Architecture, building everything from houses to fine furniture. Designing and studying. Languages, math, physics, astronomy, landscaping. Gardening and fashion. Psychology and history. Athletics and keeping in good shape anchient arts in self defense and meditation. (Hey! Read the last part, it's better!)
All the above and then many more. I would like to be with you and discuss your interests as well. I would want to know just what keeps you happy! (Are you bored yet?)
Любимая музыка:
As I get older my tastes seem to lean toward classical but I find that I like most all kinds and types of music depending on my mood and whom I am with at the time. Of course I like dance music! I am a great ballet dancer(But only in my bathroom)
Любимые игры:
I don't play games. Ok, what I mean is that I don't play "games" with people in that I don't like to just go through the motions of a relationship on the pretense of just having sex. Yes, I know. This is not what this question meant but I just wanted to add this to my profile so that you understood something about my beliefs and personality.
Любимые книги:
The Classics, English and Russian but I am learning about Eastern ones as well. (Come on! You have better things to do than read all this garbage!)
Любимые телешоу:
I don't watch too much "TV" as I am pretty busy and cannot afford the time but I like the same kind of programs that I like in movies.
Любимые фильмы:
Movies that give me a certain feeling I like and I can watch them over and over again. One in particular keeps giving me a certain happiness whenever I see it. I like a good script with good dialogue between developing characters that is realistic and plausable. On occasion, I can watch a fantasy but I like the realism of drama or the whimsy of a good comedy
Любимые цитаты:
Quotes from people past and present are not a part of my philosophy as I like to think for myself., I do study the writings of good story tellers and great minds of the past but I reserve the right to do my own thinking.
О себе:
What is to say.....ok, I will tell you this,, I like to often compare humans to animals and one in particular, a dog. A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary? , I would like to try!,
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Odessa Opera House, 2005-2008 гг., Одесса