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Dilshod Ermatov

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Социальные сети Dilshod Ermatov


Dilshod Ermatov
День рождения:
Dilshod Ermatov
Farrukh Fayzulloev
City University London
Любимые книги:
Экхарт Толле, Девид Дейда, Наполеон Хилл, Стивен Кови, Энтони Роббинс, Габриель Гарсия Маркес, Роберт Грин, Дэниел Гольман, Джеффри Миллер, Роберт Блай, Нил Страусс, Шон Стивенсон, Майкл Холл, Ричард Докинз, Чарльз Дарвин, Франц де Ваал, Марк Аврелий
О себе:
Rebel without a cause, , 1. Integrity, 2. Compassion, 3. Confidence, 4. Self-control, 5. Strength, 6. Honor, 7. Courage, 8. Humility, 9. Passion, 10. Love, , No matter how hard you try, your potential gifts are greater than the ones you actually give in your life. You feel like your life could be truly significant, potentially full of love and gifts, but it isn't playing out that way. You think, this is how it must be and always is. The truth is your daily life is but a thin strip of experience barely touching the profundity of who you are at depth. Your activities and relationships never capture the beauty that wants to unfold from your heart into the world. There may be moments of unfulfilled longing and partial gestures of tense effort. For the most part your happiness is a sparse lie. You are deeper than your life shows and you know it. You are more loving than your relationships allow, more brilliant than your career suggests. In your secret depths of being you are infinite, creative and boundless. You can open as love and live as love, even though you are not fully received by those who you love. You can open as infinite and offer your deepest truth, even though your gift may be refused by those you want to serve. You can live as openness even though your life may seem tawdry, in light of your hearts deepest sigh, you really have no choice!
Полит. взгляды:
Религ. взгляды:
Leave people better than you found them
Родной город:
Семейное положение:
не женат
School of engineering and mathematical sciences
MPW College , London
Dilshod Ermatov
Dilshod Ermatov
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