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Dana Buzila

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Социальные сети Dana Buzila


Dana Buzila
Dana Buzila
Информация отсутствует.
Dana Buzila
День рождения:
Dana Buzila
Войсковая часть:
35322 Delta, США, 1998-2001 гг.
Manhattan Institute of Management '92
Организованная Преступность, Криминал, Бизнес, Отмывание денег, Рейдерство, Вымогательство, Рэкет, Сутенёрство, Терроризм, Контрабанда, Торговля оружием, Коррупция, Содержание и Прикрытие Притонов и Барделей, Применение запрещенных средств и методов ведения войны, Разработка, производство, накопление, приобретение сбыт оружия массового поражения, Планирование, подготовка, развязывание и ведение агрессивной войны, Самоуправство, Организация незаконной миграции, Дезорганизация деятельности учреждений, обеспечивающих изоляцию от общества, Применение насилия в отношении представителей власти, Фальсификация доказательств, Служебный подлог, Нецелевое расходование средств государственных внебюджетных фондов, Сбыт документов, содержащих государственную тайну, Организация экстремистского сообщества, Диверсия, Вооруженный мятеж, Насильственный захват власти, Шпионаж, Государственная измена, Незаконное обращение с ядерными материалами и радиоактивными веществами, Организация преступного сообщества, Коммерческий подкуп, Фиктивное банкротство, Незаконная банковская деятельность, Регистрация незаконных сделок с землей, Хищение предметов, имеющих особую ценность, Разглашение тайны усыновления, Нарушение авторских и смежных прав, Фальсификация итогов голосования, Использование рабского труда, Похищение человека, Принуждение к изъятию органов или тканей человека для трансплантации, Угон и нелегальная постановка на учёт автомобилей relaxation) #######REcomandations of more things to do...###### ><for ex. in the supermarket:: <> 1)Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's trolleys when they aren't looking. 2)Walk up to an employee and tell her/him in an official tone:'Code 3 in Housewaes...!'and see what happens. 3)While handling large knives in the Kitchen Dept ask the clerk if he knows where anti-depressants are located. 4)When an announcement comes over the loudspeaker, hit the floor and assume fatal position and scream'No!....It's those voices again!!!' 5)Move a 'CAUTION-WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 6)When a clerk askes you if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, 'why can't you people just leave me alone?' 7)Hide in a clothing rack...and when people browse through, say:'PICK ME!!!PICK ME!!! etc)))))))))))))
Дом. телефон:
Montréal, 2, Mapple Leafs Avenue, 34, 10, 1993-1996 гг.
$$$$$$$__$$$$$$%%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$приключения, , фотография, bascketball, tennis, чтение, music, sport, nice people, arts, theatre, cinema, films, news, sculpture, poetry, addition, conversations, hapiness, self-image, animals, truth, alpinism, traveling, power, leadership, charm, celebration, fantasies, gold, diamonds, cars, fame, chocolate, football, exotic things, wealth, philosophy, psychology, jewellery, creation, accesorries, flowers, jokes, cocoa, gifts, coffee, ghosts, luxury, exhibitions, cafe, qualification, champions, quality, equilibrium, friendship, contests, masterpieces, characters, diploms, cartoons, career, destiny, charity, diplomacy, search, research, PR, time, attention, performance, birthdays, videoclips, colours, headquarters, business, ecology, trade, confort, perfection, concerts, Christmas, make-up, beauty, week-ends, efficiency, attraction, evolution, aesthetics, cooking, clothes, chances, luck, fun, inovations, fire, restaurants, freedom, peace, literature, stars, May, fruits, culture, future, satisfaction, sea, organisation, juice, triumph, perfumery, parachutism, originality, passions, piano, violin, design, muses, pirats, stories, plans, clubs, virtuosity, entertainment, pleasure, stability, surprises, science, strategy, stage, talent, temperaments, trends, treasures, facility, стрит-арт, лето, весна, косметика, batik, painting, hip-hop, rap, r'n'b, comedy, fashion, books, dance, clubs, entertainment, магия, ролики, иностранные языки, игры, отдых, extreme, парни, жара, встречи с друзьями, плавание, юмор, политика, економика, туризм, татуировки, internet, ice-cream, candies, marmelade, bubble gum, new things, TV, rainbow, обшение, everything interesting..))
им. Асаки '12, Кишинев, с 1998 г.(а), everything possible))
Любимая музыка:
La Fouine, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Fergie, Linkin Park, Pussycat Dolls, Kanye West, Black Eyed Peace, , Nicole Schwerzinger, Missy Elliot, Jay Sean, Noize MC, Centr, Eminem, Busta Rhymes, Pink, Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, Good Beat Music, Jay-Z;Minimal, Progressive, Tribal, Techno, Electro, Dirty, Funky, Deep.......HOUSE....smth that inspires and in dependance of my mood)
Любимые игры:
Любимые книги:
ocheni ocheni mnogo:D, , , , A.Camus, J.Austen, J.London, B.Akunin, Guy de Maupassant, P.Coelho, T.Murakami, G.Vieru, W.Shakespeare, O.Henry, ... etc
Любимые телешоу:
comedy, MTV, Tom and Jerry
Любимые фильмы:
"Pride&Prejudice", ''Step Up", ''Doberman'', ''Banlieuve 13'', "Ледниковый период", ''Leon'', ''Donnie Brasco'', ''Troia'', "Wall-E'', ''Deja Vu'', ''Volver'', ''Властелин Колец'', ''300 Spartans'', ''Трансформеры'', ''Taxi'', ''Амели'', ''8mile'', ''Вверх'', ''Хроники Нарнии", ''Paris, je t'aime'', ''Кулоар смерти", "Интервью с вампиром", "Как жениться и остаться холостяком", Charlie и шоколадная фабрика", "Пережить Рождевство", "Канкан", "Мадагаскар", ''Big Nothing'', "Avatar'', ''Meet Joe Black'', ''Onegin'', ''Love The Hard Way'', ''Remember me'', ''Forrest Gump)'', ''The pursuit of happyness'', ''No country for old men'', ''Crash'', ''Alice in wonderland', 'Seuls Two'', ''etc
Любимые цитаты:
*Be happy for this moment,this moment is your life., Omar Khayam, *Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life., Pablo Picasso, *And in the end,it's not the years in your life that count.It's the life in your years., Abraham Lincoln, *There are 2cmeans refuge from th miseries of life:music and cats., Albert Sshweitzer, *People living deeply have no fear of death., Anais Nin, *If we could see the miracle of a single flower,our whole life would change., Buddha, *Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you,they're supposed to help you discover who you are., Bernice Jhonson Reagon, *Only we are no longer afraid we begin to live., Dorothy Thompson, , *To live is the rarest thing.Most people exist,that's all., Oscar Wilde, , *Our care should not be to have lived long as to have lived enough., , *Life is the flower for which love is honey., , *Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be., Abraham Lincoln, , *Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient., Aristotle, , *Wealth may be excellent thing,for it means power,it means leisure,it means liberty., James Russel Lowell, , *Money often costs too much., Ralph Wahdo Emerson, , *Action may not always bring happiness,but there is no happiness without action., , *Wisdom is the supreme part of happiness., Sophocles, , *Beauty is unbearable,drives us to despair,offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole time., Albert Camus, , *When you have only 2 pennies left in the world,buy a lpaf of bread with one,and a lily with the other., , *Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have.It's much sexier than any body part., Aimee Mullins, , *Women need reason to have sex.Men just need a place., Billy Crystal, , *Success is not the key to happiness.Happiness is the key to success.If you love what you are doing you will be successful., Albert Schweitzer, , *The secret of success is constancy to purpose., Benjamin Disraeli, , *Small opportunities are often the beggining of great enterprises., Demosthenes, , *I know the price of success:dedication,hard work,and a devotion to the thing you want to see happen., Frank Lloyd Wright, , *The thing always happens that you really believe in;and the belief in a thing makes it happen., Frank Lloyd Wright, , *My mother said to me"If you become a soldier,you'll be a general;if you become a monk,you'll end up as the Pope",I became a painter and I wound up as Picasso., Pablo Picasso, , *Sooner or later,those who win are those who think they can., Richard Bach, , *Many of life's failures are people who did not realyze how close they were to success when they gave up., Thomas Alva Edison, , *Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm., Winston Churchill, , *art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known., Oscar Wilde, , *Art is making smth out of nothing and selling it., Frank Zappa, *Why do we kill people who are killing people to show that killing people is wrong?, *One kills a man,one is an asassin;one kills millions,one is a conqueror;one kills everybody,one is a god., Jean Rostand, *I think we ought let him hang there,let him twist slowly,slowly in the wind., *Communication works for those who work at it., *The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives., Anthony Robbins, *Watch your thoughts,fot they become words., Watch your words,for they become actions., Watch your actions,for they become habits., Watch your habits,for they become character., Watch your char
Место работы:
U.S.A Congress, Washington City, 2000-2009, The Boss
Моб. телефон:
Музыкальная школа:
Sunny '06, White Hill, 2000-2006(а), violin
О себе:
~I'm just a girl that can have lots of friends..., ~'a girl that can be loved by someone^^, ~nIce)), ~'a person that you can trust.., ~a friend that has a willing heart to help you out in tour problems!..), ~in comes to a relationship I am faithful and sweet:), , but.., also..., , >I'm apathetic to the point of being semi-consious.I'm cynical,depraved and hateful.You won't like me,I don't mind,because I don't like you either., >I'm actually a very nice girl if you are not an absolute cretin.I don't kill people,I never raped someone,I'm not trying to overthrow any governements and I don't deal or partake in illegal substances.Be sure to relay that to the police,if they ask about me., >I like rainbows and sunsets.I like long walks on the beach and in the rain,and I like listening to people., >I'm not religious,but I don/t have problems with those who are.It's not their fault that they're indocrinated from birth into a cult with the main role intention of brainstorming as many people as possible., >I like Buddhism.I search for peace,calm and enlightenment,and if you get in my way I'll murder your pets and mail them to you into pieces., >I have nice doctors.They keep trying to say I'm bi-polar,that I have anxiety and anger issues,but I think I'm a very well-adjusted person;)
Полит. взгляды:
Montréal, 3035, boul. Le Carrefour, 34К1, 2004-2005 гг.
Религ. взгляды:
2001-2003 гг., Saint-Marc, faberrow, 42
Родной город:
Семейное положение:
в активном поиске
Михаела Васильева
Доктор наук
Форма обучения:
Дневное отделение
Albert-Einstein-Fachoberschule International '00, Berlin, 1995-2000(а), energy