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Bella Swam

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Социальные сети Bella Swam


Bella Swam
Bella Swam
California State University, Northridge '09
Студент (магистр)
College of Health & Human Development
Форма обучения:
Вечернее отделение
California central school, 13 '11, Los Angeles, 1995-2011 (б)
Bella Swam
Bella Swam
Los Angeles Harbor College
Social Science
Bella Swam
Информация скрыта
День рождения:
Bella Swam
Информация отсутствует.
Войсковая часть:
Я жЕ вАмПиРшА, США
I am VaMpIrE☻
Дом. телефон:
Информация скрыта
Любимые фильмы:
Сумерки, Новолуние, Затмение, Рассет, Солнце полуночи... Cделка с дьяволом.
Любимые цитаты:
☻☻☻, , I always will be your and any the friend the werewolf not, Will divide to me heart I always I will be your vampire., , The death is rest, the life is more difficult, But to give a life for the favourite person, Not so it is bad., , You - my personal sort of heroin., , - What with you?, - I do not have forces to come off you...., - Also it is not necessary., , - And what if I not the hero? There can be I the villain!, - Same not so! The Same pretence, that отшить strangers, simply mask!, , - I know who you!!!, - Tell! Loudly! Tell!, - The vampire!, , - I cannot read your thoughts! Tell, of what you think?, - Now I am afraid!, - Well., - I not am afraid of you!!! I am afraid of you to lose that you suddenly will disappear!, - I so long waited for you!!, , "— As all are opened!, — Your friends? Has noticed … Time we break all rules, and to me to shine in a hell …", , "I cannot be forgotten with you", , "You see I cannot exist in the world where there is no you …", , — I the most dangerous predator in the world, everything that am in me, involves you: my voice, my person, even would wash a smell … I and without it has managed … from me not — I the most dangerous predator in the world, everything that is in me, involves you: my voice, my person, even would wash a smell … I and without it has managed … from me not — I the most dangerous predator in the world, everything that is in me, involves you: my voice, my person, even would wash a smell … I and without it has managed … from me not — I the most dangerous predator in the world, everything that is in me, involves you: my voice, my person, even would wash a smell … I and without it has managed … from me not to escape! Me not to win!. I am created to kill …, — And let!, — And I killed people …, Is … not important!, — I wished … to kill you. I never tested such thirst of human blood …, — I trust you …, — It is not necessary!, — I nearby and I trust …, , Our family, we for fun name ourselves Our family, we for fun name ourselves as vegetarians … we drink Our family, we for fun name ourselves Our family, we for fun name ourselves as vegetarians … we suck only blood of animals!, , When the most treasured dreams come true, it is necessary to expect that sooner or later the destiny will show you a score., , The death is a rest, ease … a life it is more difficult., , — Also it is your dream? To become the monster?, — Yes, the dream always to be with you., , — I do not dance, alas., — I could force you., — I am not afraid of you., — In vain you it have told., , — For you that, lenses?, — No., — Eyes were black last time, and now zolotisto-brown., — Yes, I know, it is fluorescence., , La Push, the child, is La Push., , — I have only told that we cannot be on friendly terms, instead of that I do not want., — Also what it means?, — Well, if you clever, keep from me far away., And what, if I not the hero? There can be I is a villain?, , — Precisely you do not wish to eat?, — No, I on a special diet., , On changes in your mood for me an allergy., , — Perhaps enough a long and happy life with me?, — Yes, while …, , — I will not begin to ruin your life., — I die. Already. With each second I all are higher., — And should be., , SCHOOL LIFE - war and peace., , ACADEMIC YEAR - purgatory., , PHYSICS LESSON - 45 minutes on a flank with gunpowder., , DIARY - a complaint book., , The ANSWER For the BOARD - the direct reporting with a closed loop on a neck., , The BARMAID - forty-thieves., , CHECK - have no 100 roubles, and have 100 friends., , In the LOCKER ROOM - the Borodino fight., , DINING ROOM - you want much - you will receive a little., , ☻&a
Моб. телефон:
Информация скрыта
О себе:
пИшИтЕ и УзНаЕте...♥
Полит. взгляды:
Родной город:
Bella Swam
День рождения:
Bella Swam
Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute (LA Campus)
Los Angeles
taken off in the cinema)
Дом. телефон:
I am taken off in the cinema, socialize with friends
Любимая музыка:
different and on a mood
Любимые игры:
I do not play
Любимые книги:
Любимые телешоу:
there is no time to look))
Любимые фильмы:
kaneshno with uchastviem me and my friends))
Любимые цитаты:
You are my personal sort of heroin. *** — Leo fallen in love in a poor sheep. it is What foolish sheep. — Well and lion — simply masochist. *** — I do not have forces to unstuck from you. — And it is not necessary. *** Stick to stronger, monkey! *** — do you trust me? — In a theory! *** — I am the most dangerous predator in the world, all, that is in me, attracts you: my voice, my person, even my smell. I and without it did. from me not — I am the most dangerous predator in the world, all, that is in me, attracts you: my voice, my person, even my smell. I and without it did. from me not — I am the most dangerous predator in the world, all, that is in me, attracts you: my voice, my person, even my smell. I and without it did. from me not — I am the most dangerous predator in the world, all, that is in me, attracts you: my voice, my person, even my smell. I and without it did. from me not — I am most dangerous predat...
Моб. телефон:
only for friends
О себе:
`````````````````````````````_qggh_`_H_````````````````````, ``````````````````````````_``_gggg`ggggT```````````````````, ``````````````````````_gggggX_ciggXHggiggq_````````````````, ``````````````````````cqggggqXgY_ggHiXq_HT_iHgg_```````````, ``````````````````_Ehqc```ggg_qgg`Tgggq_qTcqgTgH```````````, ````````````````_ggggggTgg`YgX`ggggHiTgg_Hggcig_XggY```````, ``````````````_gggg_gg_ggggg_gghT_THqgh_hHhgE_Xggggi```````, `````````````iggggg`g_ggggggXhgggggggT_ET___XETThgg`i``````, `````````````gggggg_`ggggggggY_ggggggghhh__TgggggggggHgg```, `````````````hgggggh`gggggggggg_`i`TXhggHX`_gggggEc``YXgc``, ```````````````cggggg_ggggggH``i`iXggggggggg_`cgggggggggg_`, `````````````THX_ggg_g_cggH_Hgggggg_`YEEXY`_ggggggggggggg_`, ````````````ggggg`_ggggggh_````_TgggggggggggggggggggggggT``, ```````````Yggggg_`XggggggggE_HggX_THggggggggggghEXTii_````, ````````````gggggE_gE_``iYYY_cq_qggggh_````iHgggggTggicggc`, ````````````HghHE_`iqgggggggggh_`ggggggggggggggggE_ggYiggg`, `````````````ggggggT`iggggggggggXXgXT_cEEEXY`_Egg`hggYigggE, ``````````````XggggggggH_```iXHi_gggggggggggggggq__gggggggg, ```````````````Hgggggggggggg_H_Ec_`_cggggggggggggggiHggggq_, `````````````````_Ygggggghhg_gggggggggi`ggggggggggggggg````, `````````````````````_cEgggTgggggggggggg_igggggggggggh`````, ```````````````````````YgH`_gggggggggggggg_ggggggggggi`````, ```````````````````````qgggH`hggggggggggggT```_TchgggX`````, ``````````````````````ggqX``cgg``ggggg_``_E`Xqg````````````, `````````````````````c_````_gH````cgggh```````_````````````, ````````T_`_```````````````hg``````_hgg_```````````````````, ````````igqgcggc_`````````_gH````````_gh```````````````````, ````````HggicggHggX```````YgT``````````````````````````````, ````````gggEXgghggg_``````cgi``````````````````````````````, ````````HggggiHgghcgE`````TgT``````````````````````````````, ````````Tggc_HcggcHgg`````igc``````````````````````````````, `````````_gggggX_cggg``````qh``````````````````````````````, ``````````iYYi_hggYggT```T`Eg`````````````````````_qgghY```, _TXgggggggggggEggHihHh````gTg```````````TqgggggggHXgHqg````, `HgihgTHggcTggggTggi`E`````_g``````````cgEggggYggTqc_q_````, ```TH_gH__ii__HggggiH_EE````gX```````_ggTXEE_cY_Xgg_c``````, ````_cqgX_gggcggggggYHHT_```hg_``````g_EgggqqgggHXg````````, ````````ggggqgghEYi`_Xqggg``TgX````_qHgggggggHgggc`````````, `````````_ggiTXqhEXhq````_gH`gq```_H_`_gHEXYEEhgY``````````, ``````````gggqh_qgTgh```````igg``gqYiYgE_`YXEEggg_`````````, ````````_qTEgYHYggTgH````````gg_g`````qgTgg_`iEhEgq````````, ````````HcYXEggXghcg_````````gg_``````_gEcgghg_THHEgc``````, ```````XggHcgggcgqg_`````````gg````````YgcggXgcgHHgEq``````, ``````XhXTggHgggg```````````_gg`````````_HggqgghggTHTgc````, ``````gTgEgggHX`````````````ggg````````````_gggggggcggh````, ``````qggggE````````````````_gg``````````````````YXci``````, `````````````````````````````gg````````````````````````````, ````````````````````````````_gg````````````````````````````, ````````````````````````````Egg````````````````````````````, ````````````````````````````ggg````````````````````````````, ````````````````````````````ggX_H``````````````````````````, ```````````````````````````EggiH_``````````````````````````, ``````````````````````````hggX`````````````````````````````, ``````````````````````````ggg_`````````````````````````````, ````````````````````````igggg``````````````````````````````, ````````````````````````ggggY``````````````````````````````, ``````````````````````Eggggg```````````````````````````````, ``````````````````````ggggg_```````````````````````````````, ```````````````````````cgg`````````````````````````````````, ```````````````````````_c``````````````````
Полит. взгляды:
Родной город:
Семейное положение:
в активном поиске
Кандидат наук
Форма обучения:
Заочное отделение
Bellarmine Jefferson High School, Los Angeles
Bella Swam
Bella Swam
Информация отсутствует.