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Azhar Mehmood

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azhar mehmood
azhar mehmood
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Just as Prophecy ended after the Prophet Mohammed and reformers came in Islam who renovated their religion subject to the environment. Similarly after the arrival of Imam Mehdi the renovation of those reformers will cease to exist and according to (the needs of) all the religions Imam Mehdi will instigate his own reforms. It is mentioned in some books that he will establish a new religion. It was for this reason that the poet Iqbal said, “if there is love then even disbelieving is believing.” Sachal Sai (a Saint) has said, “without the love of the beloved Sachal, what is belief and what is disbelief.” If anyone worshiped their entire life but at the end that person opposed Imam Mehdi and Jesus, who will come back into the world, Jesus with his physical body and the Mehdi with the “earthly spirits” then that person is bound for hell like Bilyam Bawar and is cursed and rejected like Satan. ( Bilyam Bawar was a man at the time of Moses, who opposed Moses, and who will go to hell in the form of the dog Qutmeer). If anyone spent their entire existence living like the dogs but in the end helped and assisted the Mehdi and Jesus then that person will go to paradise. Just as the dog Qutmeer. (who was exalted by only sitting in the company of the “Companions of the Cave” and who will go to paradise). The people who have Ishq (passionate Love of God) when they are in a religion, (in some place) God then showers that place with his mercy. Then if that person is Baba Farid (a Muslim Saint) then even the Hindus and Sikhs come to his door and if he is Baba Guru Nanak, (an exalted spiritual figure revered by Sikhs) then even the Muslims and the Christians come to his door. As long as the persons spiritual entity of the self is at its lowest state, (not illuminated) the light rays produced by the recital of any Holy Scripture will not enter a persons heart even if that person has memorized such words and verses, as he is considered to be a parrot. To the contrary when your spirit of the self is purified then any impure entity will not remain inside you. At that stage the person is considered illuminated. In order to purify the spirit of the self you must search for a Purifier. Who are people appointed by God and are always on this (spiritual) duty. The cleanliness of the outside of the physical body is done with water whereas the inside of the body is cleansed with light. Without being cleansed a person is impure and dirty. A clean body is worthy of worshipping God whereas a clean heart is worthy of receiving the rays of the Grace of God. Only then do the Holy Scriptures guide people (they guide the cleansed). Otherwise the people of the Scriptures turn against each other and become enemies. The Reformer Mujaddid Alf-Sani has written in his works that those people are not worthy of reciting the Holy Scripture whose spiritual entity of the self is at its lowest and base state. It is important that the beginners practice heart meditation, purify and cleanse themselves and then once illuminated then recite the Holy Scriptures. There is a Prophetic statement to the effect that some people read the Holy Scripture and the Scripture curses them. The Saint Bhulle Shah has stated that there are those who deceive others and yet carry the Scriptures under their arms. “Faqr is my pride and Faqr is from within me.” (Saying of the Prophet Mohammed) (Sacred spiritual knowledge pertaining to the Essence and Vision of God). The pious person believes that he does his worship and austerities for God and that he is very close to God. After worship the person asked God for good health, a long life, material prosperity the maidens and palaces in paradise. Think! Have you ever prayed and asked God that you desire nothing and only desire God?
To Attain the Love of God. Sufism
Любимые книги:
Deen-E-Ellahi (The Religion of God) Author..His Holiness Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi This book is worthy of study and investigation by all Religions, all sects and all people, it presents a challenge to those who reject spirituality! For Internet edition please visit http://www.theallfaith.com/books.htm
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AND YOU WILL SEE THE PEOPLE ENTER THE RELIGION OF GOD , IN CROWD (HOLY QURAN), , Superior to all the religions is the Love of God and superior to all types of worship is seeing God.
О себе:
To spread the message of Allah.
Религ. взгляды:
The one who has love of God is superior to all.
Родной город:
Azhar Mehmood
Azhar Mehmood
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Army Public School and College, Lahore